Metal blocks are beliefs that hold us back from acting in a certain manner, even when there is little or no evidence supporting the veracity of such beliefs. Mental blocks... read more →
Improvement is not the distance between the place you currently stand and the place where the finish line is, but between the place you currently stand in relation to the place... read more →
Just like learning to walk, when we are starting with something new, we are terrible at it. We should not expect otherwise. The tales of natural extraordinary talent are great... read more →
“No-one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had money as well.” - Margaret Thatcher Selfishness is usually seen as a flaw. We have... read more →
Sometimes forgive those who have wronged us is hard; sometimes it's just complicated; and other times we are just not ready to forgive. We know someday we will, but just... read more →
Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. - Stephen King Talent is an innate ability that... read more →