I am not a natural positivist, quite the opposite actually. Often I tend to expect the worst of every situation and for a long time this was a source of great stress and anxiety in my life and one of the first things that sent me out of the path or... read more →
The law of attraction has become a very popular (and controversial) topic in the last few years. Probably one more piece of opinion on the web about it will not make much of a difference, but I have found myself living by its principles for quite some time without much... read more →
Most addictions are detrimental and anything in excess will without any doubt ending hurting our bodies or our minds. But few things are more damaging that the addiction to stress. Nowadays there seems to be an anti-stress crusade that has been reinforced by recent findings in connection with the negative... read more →
It’s funny how often we hold ourselves to detrimental situations and relationships using the most silly excuses we could imagine! Of course change can be scary, and the idea of leaving behind something that will mean an important change in our lives can produce a lot of anxiety. In order... read more →
On first thought, it might not seems very wise to begin a new project such as this with "mistakes" as subject: however, I have come to the conclusion that few experiences in life bring by itself so many possibilities for growth as our mistakes does. True been told, making mistakes... read more →
I have been interested in personal development since a long time ago. Very early in my teenage years I understood that the improvement of our lives and the lives of those around us should be a priority. Nothing seems to make more sense to me, as a human being. This... read more →