Some time ago, I woke up a little earlier than usual. I went to the kitchen and when I was coming back to my room, I couldn't help but notice the break of dawn out of my window and for a second I froze and stand there, mesmerized. The room... read more →
"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln Whether we realize it or not, every single thing we do is done in the pursuit of happiness. Even altruistic behavior, charity and philanthropy, embody a search for happiness at its core. Some... read more →
Power can be seen through many points of view. Our definition of what means to be powerful is greatly influenced by the way we see ourselves in relation to the world. Are we a victim or a victimizer? Are we already in control of our reality or control is something... read more →
Hey there folks! This is just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to get your copy of The Discipline Manifesto: Conquering Procrastination and Harnessing Willpower in 5 Steps for FREE! You can grab a free copy HERE! (more…)
Gratitude and wealth are closely related. When we feel wealthy, we cannot avoid but to feel grateful. And when we feel grateful, we feel equally wealthy despite our financial circumstances. Of course, wealth is a subjective term. The amount of resources I must own in order to consider myself a... read more →
Hello there folks! The Discipline Manifesto: Conquering Procrastination and Harnessing Willpower in 5 Steps is LIVE at the Amazon Kindle Store! From today, June 26th 'till June 30 the Kindle version will be available for FREE! So make sure to grab your copy on time! You can download the Kindle... read more →