La religion no es mas que un metodo con el titulo “prohibido pensar” que ya todo esta escrito. – Ricardo Arjona
The questions we make are often more important than the answers we might get. The sole action of questioning is powerful by itself, because there cannot be development without questioning.
Dogmas foster stagnation and if we want to improve as a species, as a society or as individuals we must experience reality from a point if view where no fact is final or unquestionable. We might have come to accurate conclusions based on true, verified facts on a great deal of subjects, but this cannot be used as an excuse to discourage questioning.
But questioning can be tiresome when we are not used to do it on a daily basis. So we prefer to assume that what we have been taught is true, even when our intuition, or even basic logical thinking, point us another way. We believe some things are not important enough to be questioned and the effort that implies to think different is greater that truth behind what we see and hear. And so we settle for less than the truth.
The thing is, this often becomes a habit and before we know, we have forsaken the urge to question all around us. We get used to merely believe.
Today regain that urge we all had as kids. Change the habit to believe for the sake of comfort into the habit to question everything. Every day, challenge a different commonly believed fact and realize for yourself how true is what you believe. Chances are you will be surprised.
I would want To add that the truth is IN THERE too.
It’s important to remember that few (if any) truths are absolute. Even the laws of physics that govern planets and galaxies don’t hold true when applied to tiny, itty, bitty subatomic particles. Just because something is true in one given instance doesn’t make it true in situations that are similar on superficial levels.
and that questions only apply to matter, ideology and lies. Truth does not have dimensions and any question raised on it always gives the same truth, no matter the angle used. That is why is always personal, just vested in the self. Just inquire in search of the truth, what you would want to believe.